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Breakthrough English: 5 Simple Tips for Mastering English

New Year’s Resolution: Make 2012 Your Year for Breakthrough English

 Excited about the New Year


(Wiktionary) break•through /ˈbreɪkθruː/: Characterized by major progress or overcoming some obstacle

Would you like to improve your English? Would you like 2012 to be a “breakthrough year” for you with English? Perhaps you’ve been trying to learn English for several years, and you feel like you’re not making the progress you had hoped.

Be encouraged – you can make 2012 your year for Breakthrough English! Follow these five simple tips, and make them a habit:

• Study English Every Day
• Read English Every Day
• Listen to English Every Day
• Practice English Every Day
• Learn New Vocabulary Every Day

Study English Every Day

The first tip for Breakthrough English is to study English every day. This is a key step. The human brain is structured to learn by repetition. This means the more often you study, the better you will learn the material. Because of this, you will actually learn English better if you study every day for 15 minutes (as an example) than if you study once a week for 1 hour and 45 minutes (15 minutes a day for 7 days).

So, find time to study English every day. It can be 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, or whatever fits your schedule. Commit to that daily study, and watch your English improve!

Read English Every Day

Here is the second tip for Breakthrough English: in addition to studying English every day, it is a good idea to read English every day. Even if you study grammar and do exercises every day, you still need to read English daily. “Authentic” materials – books, magazines, newspapers, and so on – are best, since they use words and phrases that are common with native English speakers.

It is easy to find reading material that matches your English level. Even easy books like children’s books or comic books have something for intermediate or advanced ESL students as well as beginners. Obviously, the simple vocabulary and short sentences of children’s books make them suitable for beginners. At the same time, children’s books often contain various phrases and cultural ideas that make them a worthwhile reading challenge for upper-level ESL students.

By reading English every day, you will develop an “ear” for English. You will begin to notice when an English word or phrase “sounds right” because it’s being used correctly. You will also begin to notice when something “sounds strange” (for example, sounds like “Japlish” or “Konglish”) because of a wrong preposition or other incorrect vocabulary. So, the more you read, the more natural or native-like your own English will become.

Daily reading of authentic materials is a powerful method to help your English get better and better. Commit to daily reading, and watch your English improve!

Listen to English Every Day

The third tip for Breakthrough English is the “flip side” of reading English every day: listening to English every day. You can get the same vocabulary benefits as in reading, plus you can hear the pronunciation of the words.

Many ESL students don’t listen to as much English as they should. Why? Because they are frustrated from listening to a level that is too challenging for them. You want to listen to material where you understand about 75% of what is said.

Listen, listen, and listen again. Don’t be afraid to keep on listening until you are comfortable with all (95% +) of the material. Remember, our brains are structured to learn by repetition – take advantage of it! Load up your mp3 player with English, and listen to it at every opportunity – when you exercise, when you ride the subway or walk to work, when you cook or do housework, and so on.

What kinds of materials are good to listen to? It doesn’t matter – podcasts, news reports, audio books are all good. Pick something that is interesting to you. If you like it, you will want to listen to it again and again, and the repetition will help you.

But try to listen to “normal English” programs rather than “special English.” Why? Because people don’t speak English like the “special English” programs.

Many ESL students who listen only to “special English” type materials think that they are well-prepared for listening to English. Unfortunately, they are often quite shocked to find out that they understand very little (maybe only 25%) when they try to listen to native English speakers.

You can avoid this by listening to normal English every day and absorbing it into your brain. Your brain will accept the sounds and speech patterns of native English speakers as a standard or model for your own English. This will help your pronunciation tremendously, and you will be better understood by others when you speak English.

Daily listening is another effective tool to help you get better in English. Commit to daily listening, and watch your English improve!

Practice English Every Day

The fourth tip for Breakthrough English is to practice English every day. There are two ways that you can practice English daily: speaking, and writing.

It is easiest to practice speaking every day if you can find a language partner of some sort. Can you find an English speaker who is willing to have a conversation with you on a regular basis? You don’t have to talk to the same person every day – you can have a different person for each day of the week. Live internet chat (like Skype, for example) makes it easier than ever to find people to talk to from around the world.

If you can’t find someone to talk to on a regular basis, there are still other ways to get some daily speaking practice in English. Is there some place where you can find English tourists? Do you meet English speakers in your work sometimes? Most English speakers would be happy to spend at least a few minutes talking with ESL students, so don’t be afraid to give it a try. Just ask them politely: “Excuse me, I am trying to learn English. Would you mind talking with me for a few minutes?” Even if they say no, you still get some practice in by asking the question!

If you absolutely can’t find anyone to talk to in English, you can always talk to a pet, a baby or young child, or even to yourself. At first it may seem strange, but you will get used to it. Don’t be afraid of feeling foolish – it is natural to talk to yourself like that. Children do it all the time. It helps them learn their native language, and it will help you learn English.

The important thing is that you will become more comfortable in expressing yourself in English. The more you practice speaking, the easier it will become. As you get better, you will find that you don’t have to think so much to speak English. Eventually, you won’t have to translate all the time before you say something in English. Your English will sound more natural, and you will be more and more fluent.

The other way to practice English daily is by writing. Find a pen pal (or several!) that you can write to. Keep a journal, and write down your thoughts or experiences every day. Again, the important thing is to get used to expressing yourself in English. The nice thing about writing is that you have time to think about what you want to say, and how to say it. You also have time to look up words before you use them. You usually don’t have that opportunity when practicing speaking!

Daily practice is another essential method of getting better in English. Commit to daily practice – speaking and / or writing – and watch your English improve!

Learn New Vocabulary Every Day

Our final tip for Breakthrough English is this: learn some new vocabulary every day. It doesn’t matter how many vocabulary words or phrases you learn, but pick a number you know you can commit to learning every day – 5 new words or phrases a day, 10 new words or phrases a day, whatever is comfortable for you. But definitely make it a daily habit to expand your English vocabulary.

Learning new vocabulary is crucial for improving your English. Without enough vocabulary, it will be difficult for you to express yourself in English. The more vocabulary words or phrases you know, the easier it will be for you to say what you are thinking. Learning more vocabulary will also make it easier for you to understand what you read or hear when you are studying and practicing English.

What kinds of words or phrases should you learn? After learning basic vocabulary, pick words or phrases that are useful or interesting for you. This will make it easier for you to learn and to remember the new words or phrases. Use your new words or phrases, too, for repetition – this will also make them easier to remember.

Try to find examples of your new words or phrases being used in sentences. Pay attention to how they are used. They will seem more “real” to you that way than words or phrases that come from a list somewhere. Listen for your new words or phrases in English listening materials. Very often you will notice new words or phrases because you are now aware of them. Learn from others, so you can pick up correct pronunciation and usage from the start.

Daily learning of new vocabulary is another powerful tool to help you get better in English. Commit to daily learning new vocabulary, and watch your English improve!

Key: Every Day

Notice that each of these five tips involves the words “every day.” This is an important point. Consistency – doing something with English every day – is the key.

There is an old riddle in English:

Question: How do you eat an elephant?
Answer: One bite at a time!

Many times we look at a project or goal, and we think it is too difficult for us because it seems too big for us. We look at the elephant, and we get discouraged because we know the whole elephant will not fit in our mouth. But if we break up that elephant into bite-sized pieces – if we take things one step at a time, take things day by day – we find that we can achieve our goal or finish our project.

It is the same with learning English. Improving in English seems like a big project. But if you take one step at a time, day by day, you will find that you will achieve your goal of improving your English. Commit to these five tips, and you will make 2012 your year for Breakthrough English!

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多くの生徒と講師がこの質問をします。そして答えはその質問をした人に よって全く違うものになります。ここに英語を勉強するためのいくつかの助言をご紹介させて頂きます。これらの助言は私どもが外国語を学習していく上で得た 経験に基づいており、これから英語を勉強される方の助けになると信じています。

1. やる気

まず、英語を学びたいと思わなくてはなりません。もし英語を学ぶことに興 味が無ければ、どんなにいいクラス、テキスト、助言もあなたにとっては意味が無いでしょう。もし興味が無ければ、英語を学ぶときはいつも学ばなくてもいい 理由を探そうとし、学ぶことは非常に難しいものとなるでしょう。

2. なぜ学ぶのかを明確にする

なぜ英語を学びたいのか、なぜ英語を上達させたいのかを自分に問い掛けて みてください。よりよい仕事に就くためや昇進のために英語を学ぶ人もいるでしょうし、大学に進学するために学ぶ人もいます。また、映画やテレビをもっと理 解したり、アメリカ人の友人を作ってアメリカ生活をより楽しむことを動機とする人もいるでしょう。人それぞれ目的は違うので、動機もまた違います。自分の 動機を明確にすることは、英語を学ぶのを容易にします。

3. ゴールを設定する


自分にゴールはどこか、どの分野を上達させたいのかを問い掛けてくださ い。それは発音ですか?それともリスニングですか?語彙を増やしたいのですか?銀行や病院、ショッピングへ行ったときなんと言えばよいかを知りたいのです か?自分のゴールについて考えてみてください。そして学び始めた自分に対してゴールに向かっているかをたまに見直してください。

4. 学習、学習、学習



a. できるだけアメリカ人と話す機会を持つ

b. Eメールや手紙などを書く

c. 電話を掛ける

5. できるだけ英語に触れる

英語に触れる機会が増えれば増えるほど、英語に慣れます。あなたはどの発 音が正しいか、また間違っているかを理解し始めるでしょう。また、なぜ特定の場面でその単語やフレーズがよく使われるのかを理解し、自分が会話やメールな どでそれらを使い始めることになるでしょう。英語が習慣になれば、少しずつ英語を使うことが簡単になってくるでしょう。


a. テレビや映画を見る

b. ラジオを聞く

c. できるだけ読書をする

6. 語彙を増やす


7. 楽しむ

楽しむことで、あなたの記憶する能力は飛躍的に伸びます。英語を楽しみな がら学べば学ぶほど、英語をより上達させることができます。子供用のパズルゲームなどもよい教材です。新聞記事やコミックも楽しみながら学ぶにはよいと思 います。また、絵が入ったものは、文章だけのものより理解するのが簡単です。

8. アメリカ人の友人を作る

もしあなたがアメリカ人の友人を持てば、それは英語を学ぶ上において非常 に有益なことです。アメリカ人の友人を作ることは、英語しか話すことが出来ない状況を作りだします。しかし、彼らはあなたの友人ですから、ともに楽しむこ とができ、ストレスをあまり感じないはずです。また彼らから言葉、文化など、色々なことを学ぶことができます。

9. 毎日学習する




10 Tips for Learning English

What’s the best way to learn a language?

Many students and teachers have asked this question, and the answers are as different as the people asking the question. Here I will give you several tips for learning English. They are based on my own experience in learning languages. These tips helped me when I learned a foreign language, and I hope that they will help you as you work on improving your English.

1. Want to learn.

First of all, you must want to learn. If you are not interested in learning English, no class will help you, no book will help you, and no hints will make it easier. If you are not interested, you will find reasons to avoid studying, and whenever you do study, it will be very difficult. So you have to be honest with yourself. Ask yourself, “Do I really want to learn English?” If you can’t answer “yes” to this question, it is better for you to set English aside until you’re ready and willing to learn.

2. Identify your motivation.

Next, you need to identify your motivation. Ask yourself, “Why do I want to learn English? Why do I want to improve my English?” Some people want to learn English to get a better job, or to be considered for a promotion. Other people may need to learn English to attend university or school. Still other people may want to learn English so they can enjoy life in America more, by being able to understand movies and TV, and make friends with their American neighbors. Each person is different, so their motivations will be different also. If you have identified your motivation, it will be easier for you to learn English, because it will help to encourage you as you learn English.

3. Set goals.

Once you have identified your motivation, you can set some goals for learning English. Having goals will help you to remember what areas you want to work on, and it will help you to see your progress.

Ask yourself, “What are my goals? What areas would I like to improve?” Pronunciation? Listening comprehension? Would you like to increase your vocabulary? Do you want to know what to say when you go to the bank, the doctor, shopping? Think about what your goals are, and review once in a while to see that you are making progress toward your goals.

4. Practice, practice, practice.

After you have set your goals, you have a better idea of what you need to practice. Just like the athlete whose goal is the Olympics must train daily, you as a language learner must practice language every day to make progress toward your goal. We say, “Practice makes perfect.” This means the more you practice something, the better you become at it, and the fewer mistakes you will make.

Specific ways to practice:

  • Speak to Americans as much as possible.
  • Write, write, write – letters, email, notes, etc.
  • Make phone calls to practice your English

5. Expose yourself to English as much as possible.

The more you expose yourself to English, the more you get used to it and the more familiar it becomes to you. You will start to recognize what sounds right and what sounds wrong. You will also start to understand why certain words or phrases are used instead of others, and you will start to use them in your own conversations and writing. English will start to become a habit, and little by little you will find it easier to use English.

Specific ways to increase exposure to English:

  • Watch TV and movies.
  • Listen to the radio.
  • Read as much as possible.

6. Enlarge your vocabulary.

Having a large vocabulary is basic to learning any language, and it is especially true in English. Reading is a very good way to learn new words. So is doing puzzles or playing different kinds of word games.

7. Have fun.

Having fun increases your ability to remember, so the more you enjoy yourself as you learn English, the easier it will be to remember. Play games and puzzles. Even simple ones, like ones written for children, provide good experience and practice for English. Comic books and newspaper comic strips are also a good way to have fun, and the pictures make it easier to understand than stories.

8. Cultivate friendships with Americans.

If you make friends with some Americans, you will find that they can be a very valuable help in your learning English. Having American friends means that you will find yourself in situations where you have no choice but to speak English. Yet since they are your friends, you will be doing things you enjoy together with them. So these situations will probably have little or no stress. Friendships with Americans also means that you’ll have someone whom you can ask questions regarding language, culture, the suburbs, and so on.

9. Make regular study a habit.

Regular study is a key to success in learning a language. It is easier to study a little each day instead of trying to study several hours only one day a week. Also, studying a little each day makes it easier to review what you’ve learned and remember new things.

10. Acknowledge the progress you’ve made.

Finally, it is important to recognize that you will improve as you study English. Sometimes when you set your goals, they seem very difficult. Progress comes little by little, so it’s hard to see if you have grown in your language skills. Think about where you are at today, and where you were last week or last month. Maybe it doesn’t seem like you have come very far. But if you stop and think about where you were six months ago, or even a year ago, then you see that you have made progress. You have improved your English, and that is a reason to celebrate your accomplishment. It gives you hope that as you continue to study and work hard at improving your English, you will reach your goal sooner or later!