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Writing Assignment: The Office (Solution)

hard worker


1. What is the name of this firm?
The name of this firm is G.B. Buchhlz., Inc.

2. Who is probably the founder of this firm?
Mr. Buchhlz is probably the founder of this firm.

3. Is anybody in the office?
No, there is no one in the office.

4. How many desks are to be seen in the picture?
We can see five desks in the picture.

5. How many drawers does each desk have?
Each desk has four drawers.

6. Which desk doesn’t have a desk pad?
The desk in the far corner doesn’t have a desk pad.

7. What does the secretary use to type letters?
The secretary uses a typewriter to type letters.

8. Is there a ballpoint pen or a fountain pen near the typewriter?
There is a ball point pen near the typewriter.

9. Is the adding machine on a desk or on a cart?
The adding machine is on a cart.

10. Is the telephone on the first, second, or third desk?
The telephone is on the second desk on the left.

11. Does everyone have a telephone?
No, not everyone has a telephone.

12. Do you throw important papers in the wastepaper basket?
No, we don’t throw important papers in the wastepaper basket.

13. What is hanging on the wall to the left of the door?
There is a calendar hanging on the wall to the left of the door.

14. Where is the filing cabinet?
The filing cabinet is under the calendar.

15. What is in the safe?
In the safe are money, important documents, and other valuables.

16. Where do you see bookends?
We see bookends on the shelf under the clock.

17. Where is the clock? What time is it?
The clock is over the shelf above the safe. It’s about 12:30.

18. How many days per week do people work in this office?
The people in this office work five days a week.

19. Does this office look different during a work day?
Yes. During a work day, the office is busy with people doing different things.

20. Why is nobody in the office?
No one is in the office because it’s a Saturday.

Paragraph: My Office

Write a paragraph describing your office, the people working there, and your job.

I used to work at a newspaper. I was in the accounting department. There were six of us in the department, and we were responsible for billing our advertisers. I entered the billing information in the computer every day, and produced a report listing all the ads that were supposed to be in the newspaper. At the beginning of each month we had to print the bills and mail them.

In our department, each person had his own cubicle, with a desk, a computer, drawers, phone, adding machine, and chair. Most people brought some pictures or other little knickknacks to personalize our office space. If it was someone’s birthday or other special occasion, we would decorate that person’s cubicle with a few party decorations and bring some bagels or doughnuts for a snack, or go out for a departmental lunch. We worked hard and pretty much got along with each other.


Writing Assignment: The Office

typical office



filing cabinet
work day
ballpoint pen
desk pad, blotter
no one
to type
wastepaper basket
fountain pen
to throw
Inc. (incorporated)
adding machine
to see
on what

1. What is the name of this firm?

2. Who is probably the founder of this firm?

3. Is anybody in the office?

4. How many desks are to be seen in the picture?

5. How many drawers does each desk have?

6. Which desk doesn’t have a desk pad?

7. What does the secretary use to type letters?

8. Is there a ballpoint pen or a fountain pen near the typewriter?

9. Is the adding machine on a desk or on a cart?

10. Is the telephone on the first, second, or third desk?

11. Does everyone have a telephone?

12. Do you throw important papers in the wastepaper basket?

13. What is hanging on the wall to the left of the door?

14. Where is the filing cabinet?

15. What is in the safe?

16. Where do you see bookends?

17. Where is the clock? What time is it?

18. How many days per week do people work in this office?

19. Does this office look different during a work day?

20. Why is nobody in the office?

Paragraph: My Office

Write a paragraph describing your office, the people working there, and your job.
