1 Wisdom (8)
4 Eager, sharp (4)
6 A course of action or conduct (4)
7 Great destruction resulting in extensive loss of life, especially by fire (9)
9 Countercharge (13)
11 Off the cuff; impromptu (14)
14 Thinking before acting to avoid problems or danger (11)
17 Without real significance (4)
18 Control (5)
20 The way something is built (12)
21 To reduce the amount of something that is available (7)
23 Moving indirectly, by taking many twists and turns (7)
25 Oblong piece of solid material (3)
26 Not employed or busy (4)
27 Abounding with something (7)
1 Sleep-inducing (9)
2 To hate a type of behavior or way of thinking, especially because you think it is morally wrong (5)
3 Intense anger (3)
4 Rapidly changing (13)
5 Having interest in or familiar with many parts of the world (12)
8 Prone (3)
10 Repentance (3)
11 A short journey made for pleasure (9)
12 Moderate or self-restrained (9)
13 Different from anything seen or known before (5)
15 Bankrupt (9)
16 Roost (5)
19 A person who holds controversial opinions (7)
21 To be saturated as if full of liquid (4)
22 Colorless (4)
24 Not clear (3)