1 the ability of particular people in children’s stories to make impossible things happen by saying special words (5)
4 a group of similar things (3)
8 a piece of clothing that you put on your head (3)
9 system of communication by written or spoken words, which is used by the people of a particular country or area (8)
10 a preposition used to indicate towards a higher place or position (2)
11 clothes that you wear next to your body under your other clothes (13)
14 something that you do regularly or usually, often without thinking about it because you have done it so many times before (5)
16 the large flat piece of wood, glass etc that you open and close when you go into or out of a building or room (4)
17 eggs mixed together and cooked in hot fat, sometimes with other foods added (6)
18 cover for a pot or jar (3)
19 opposite of left (5)
22 a word used when talking about something that might happen or be true, or might have happened (2)
23 to make something press against something else and move it around (3)
25 to become worse (10)
28 to enjoy something or think that it is nice or good (4)
30 opposite of day (5)
32 having a lot of physical power so that you can lift heavy things or do hard physical work (6)
34 conjunction used for comparing two things (2)
35 not near the coast (6)
37 a preposition used to show what a part belongs to or comes from (2)
38 a shape like a circle, but wider in one direction than the other (4)
40 the business of selling goods in large quantities at low prices to other businesses, rather than to the general public (9)
41 what a bird lays and sits on in her nest to make baby birds (3)
2 one more time (5)
3 a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, which has a back, a seat, and four legs (5)
4 an activity or subject that you know a lot about (14)
5 something you think about (7)
6 the distance between the middle and top (or bottom) of a wave, like a sound wave (9)
7 another word for “car” (10)
11 knowledge about something, based on learning or experience (13)
12 the planet we live on (5)
13 a large farm animal used for producing milk and meat (3)
15 the glass part of an electric light, that the light shines from (4)
20 a male spirit or being who is believed by some religions to control the world or part of it (3)
21 drawn or stretched so as to be tense (5)
24 extremely unattractive and unpleasant to look at (4)
26 opposite of yes (2)
27 to decay by a gradual, natural process (3)
29 the final part (3)
31 one of the organs on the sides of a fish through which it breathes (4)
32 an adverb used when emphasizing the degree or amount of something by saying what the result is (2)
33 the importance or usefulness of something (5)
36 opposite of old (3)
37 the number you start counting with (3)
38 a smooth, thick liquid that is used to make machines run easily or is burned to produce heat (3)
39 a common domestic animal with fur and four legs, related to the wolf (3)